Tuesday, November 8, 2011

All Black - Jock Ross

Today a past All Black Jock Ross came to Burnham School to talk about his time as a All Black.
We were amazed that how tall he was. We learnt that Jock Ross played lock in the All Blacks.
He brought different rugby jersey from different countries that he played against. Some students were lucky enough to wear one of the jerseys. The most favourite jersey to wear was the All Black jersery .

We felt very lucky because we have never worn actual rugby jerseys that were worn by players that represented their country.

1 comment:

  1. HI!
    It sounds like an interesting visit. We don´t know anything about Rygby in Denmark. We mostly play soccer and handball. We have a very good handball team in Kolding called KIF Kolding. Most year they play Champions League in Europe.
    We would like to know more about All Blacks and Rugby.
    From 1A, Vonsild School, Denmark
