Maths Games

Shark addition maths;

Multiplication Game- Fantastic Fish Shop

Under The Sea
Calendar Clowns

Bonk at Mole to help learn multiplication

Counting Up To 100

Shoot Em Up- Times Table Game

Maths Monster Match

Here is a maths game called carrotsticks ( A reminder it is only free between the times 8.00-3.00pm) but I have used it at other times.

Logic Game “Civiballs”

Logic Game ;

A fun way to learn to tell the time

In Junk Pile, you’re in a junkyard, competing against other players to build the tallest tower.

As your parents’s to sign up to sumdog or we can do it at school.

Link to Melvin’s fraction

Here is the link to RuggerMaths

This is Puny Pet Shop- Multiplication Game

This is a fun maths that helps with ordering numbers.

Here is the link to Connect Four

Here is a maths game called carrotsticks (  A reminder it is only free between the times 8.00-3.00pm)


  • burnham

    Click "play now".Carrot Sticks will allow each student to create their log in and create a password
    (I suggest: first initial / last name for both the log in and password)

    a Symmetry game- To help to understand where lines of Symmetry are in objects

     this the link  for Robot maths game ( the first stage helps you practice your basic facts)

    This is a difficult game but great fun. It teaches you how negative numbers work. It something you will learn later in senior school ( but there is no harm trying now) Just click on the yellow text

    Click on the picture to practice your maths on the link to practice your place values
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