Sunday, October 13, 2013

Term 4, Classroom Newsletter

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome back to a busy term and last term of the year.

This term our Inquiry Focus is called “Bang for Your Buck”. The Inquiry focus is part of Twilight fair the will be held on 7th November.

For Expo night Burnham school will be holding a combined twilight fair, where each class will be running a store. Room 2 has decided our main product we will be selling is toffee apples. So through the holidays I have been working on my culinary skills. I have learnt that you always should read a recipe correctly!

With trial and error I expect that we can get our final product to be both delicious and eatable. We expect each parent to smile and say that our toffee apples are the best they have ever tasted!!!

Rebekah Clarke will be back with us for three weeks, as a student teacher. Rebekah proved earlier this year she was a value asset in the classroom in assisting with the learning in the classroom. I know that the children are looking forwarding to working with her again.

Athletics Day on Wednesday 30 October. We will be training most days, so please send your child to school in footwear that they can run in.

Sunhats are a compulsory part of our uniform in Term 4. Please ensure your child has a wide brimmed hat that is clearly named. Any other clothing items you may require are available from the PTA on Monday afternoons. There are number of hats in stored in the hatbox in the classroom. I will be issuing back to their owners to ensure that names are clearly marked.

Room 2 Homework: Your child will continue to bring home Reading Books four nights a week. Please try and make this Reading, part of your child’s daily routine. This daily practice helps build confidence and fluency, as their Reading skills develop.

My focus for the majority of  he students this term is when they come to an unknown word is to read to the end of the sentence. Then go back sound out the word. This helps with fluency and comprehension.

Gluesticks and pencils: We have now used all the gluesticks and pencils that you provided at the beginning of the year. I would be very grateful if each child could bring one gluestick and two pencils, to help us get through to the end of the year.

Please feel free to see me if you have any concerns regarding your child. You are always welcome in Room 2 and I’m happy to help if I can.

Chris Thurlow

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