Friday, April 1, 2011

Harvey's Adventure

Hi Room 2. We have arrived at Singapore Airport where it is very warm and there is a fabulous butterfly garden. Our next flight to England leaves in about 3 hours - I can't wait to get there. I will be at my Auntie's wedding next weekend in Plymouth. We will be travelling by underground train in London to get to our hotel and then we will have a swim and meet my Grandma. Hope you all have a great weekend. Harvey - 1st April 2011


  1. Chris Thurlow said...
    Hi Harvey, its 6.ooam. I'm as excited asyou are but for a different reason. I'm going fishing in the Marlborough Sounds with a few mates. Have a great and safe trip to England

    Fantastic to see you make a posting at Singapore airport.

    Mr Thurlow

  2. Hi Harvey thank s for telling as about yore Adventure we loved it

    we rely rely miss you exspesherly Mr thulow

    from Demi

  3. hi harvey

    cool story hope you have a graet time.evry body miss you exspesherly mr thulow pleas tall us more abowt your adveture.

    from Chloe

  4. Hi Harvey it is me Aramis I hope you are still doing piano. I hope your fine without me.
