Tuesday, December 14, 2010

When Dad was Santa

Once a upon time Santa was delivering presents to a kid named jimmy. Santa was on the roof he fall off onto his sleigh. Santa was knocked out cold.

Jimmy's dad came outside and his dad saw Santa lying in the driveway snoring. Jimmy's dad had an idea. He thought just maybe just maybe he could dress up as Santa. Jimmy's dad only had 3 hours to delivery all of the presents. He did Japan, New Zealand and Australia within minutes. He did the whole entire world, so Jimmy's dad saved Christmas but he was very exhausted.


  1. hi i liked your story brodi keep it up brodi i liked the part when santa fell of the roof from Scott
    why is your bloggs so short

  2. I liked your story about when dad was santa. I really liked it. It was good.

    Dylan from deanburn primary school, scotland


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