Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Writing Activity " Pass it On"

We had our first attempt to play " Pass it On"

The objective of this activity is to write a narrative with 5 different authors. Each author has to write a particular part of the story within 2 minutes. Each time the author is changed the old author has only 20 seconds to explain what they wrote to the new author.

Here are the roles for each author

  1. Create the setting and characters
  2. Build upon the characters
  3. Tell a problem
  4. Inform the solution
  5. Provide an ending
We voted for the team that had the most creativity story with the elements of a narrative in their story.

Here is the Winner

On a sunny day the ice cream guy went to the circus to sell his ice-creams. An evil clown was laughing at the ice-cream guy. The ice-cream guy sold an ice-cream to the evil clown. The evil clown couldn't stop laughing. Then he started to cry . He began hitting people because he was so happy.

The clown went looking around a park to find the ice-cream man who sold him the ice -cream. The man was right in front of the clown. The clown was so angry at the ice cream guy for he had sold him a raspberry ice-cream.

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