Friday, September 24, 2010

The Magpie That Sings!!!

Once upon a time the girls were playing on the netball courts, it was boiling when we were running around the courts. Then a magpie swooped down at us. The magpie was fat and ugly , his army were gummy bears, a ghost and a cave man . The magpie started to sing a sweet sound. It hypnotised me first, then hypnotized my friends and then the boys got hypnotized, as well. However, I only pretended to be hypnotized . I got my gun out the shot the fat ugly magpie in the head, stopping the whole class being hypnotized. Then I said its no over. I pressed the big purple button everyone was normal again ,and I was everyones' hero.

1 comment:

  1. Hello from Owatonna, MN.

    Our class enjoyed your magpie stories and now we are interested in knowing more about magpies. We like the way you worked together to create stories. They are creative works.

    We enjoy looking through your blog.

    Good day to you!
    Mrs. Berg & Mrs. Vieth's Class (Grade 8)
