Sunday, August 8, 2010

Here is Room 2's-Rata and the Totara Movie

Room 2 brainstormed the learning around the activity " Rata and The Totara Tree"

We discussed the Key Competencies( It is a term that Room 2 is starting to be introduced too) that were involved in the activity

Thinking - We were, as we all had to be creative and make decisions.
Managing Self - We were, as we had to make plans, be resourceful by finding books with illustrations of Maori legends and completed work to a high standard.
Relating to others -We were, we worked with others in an effective manner and we had a "can do attitude"

We thought the "Rata and The Totara" taught us that we should ask for permission before doing something. Also we should look after nature.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Room 2! The art work in your movie is amazing and really illustrates the legend well. Keep up the good work.


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