Saturday, July 17, 2010

Term 3 - Ready to Rock & Roll

Welcome back to Term 3. I hope everyone had relaxing time with their Whanau. Our Topic this term is 'Treasure", which encompasses "culture". For the first two weeks I would like the students to bring something from home that is very important to their Whanau. If the treasure is very precious or fragile please e-mail me a photograph or I will get the student to take the classroom camera home to photograph it.

I am hoping that all the students will speak about their particular treasure. In the classroom we will be looking at what are New Zealand's treasures from the students' perspective. Then investigate other countries' treasures. At present we are usings other classroom blog's around the world to obtain this information .

Room 2 really get a kick out from hearing from the wider community.If there are any ex-pats reading this blog, please comment on what "treasures" that you miss about Aotearoa. For the rest of the world please tell us what you believe are the treasures of your country.

Furthermore,I would like and appreciate if any whanau wishes to speak to the students about their culture or demonstrate an activity relating to their culture.

Finally, all running records were completed and all the students showed progress, congratulations!!! Thank you for your support with reading with your child daily. As I say prastise and prastise can only help an individual's reading .

See you Monday

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