Sunday, July 18, 2010

Aramis's Movie Review-The New Karate kid

On Saturday my dad and I went to the movies to see the new KARATE KID. Dre Prayer is the boy that learns karate from Mr Hun. The big fight was at the end of the movie and Dre prayer got injured by a sweep kick to the leg but he was a brave man and got back into the fight. The final fight was pretty quick because Dre Prayer did a back flip and whacked his arm onto his opponent, causing oppenent to smacked down. I like how Dre does painful kicks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aramis,

    You have to give the movie a star rating out of 5. If it is less than 4 stars I wont go.

    Mr Thurlow

    Lets see if anyone else has been to see Karate Kid and rates it the same as you.
