Tuesday, October 5, 2010


This Thursday I go to JUDO! It is like Karate but not with the punching and kicking. At the end of this JUDO I am going to be a yellow tip belt!! I knew because I was told from the teacher that "you will get a new belt after next week if not then the next week ". I was so Excited that I am getting new belt!!!


  1. Thats really cool keep up the good work!. I am also in martial arts, but I am in Tae-Kwan-Do. I dont know if you know what that is but its like Karate but mostly kicking rather thean punching. I am glad that you are almost a Yellow Belt keep up the good work. I am almost a Black Belt. What do you do in Judo? Is it Like wrestling and grabs or is there more to it?

  2. Hello, fellow bloggers,

    The information on your judo blog is very interesting and very fun to read. I liked how you told about the different color of belts. Hope you have a great day!

    Jacob from the U.S.

  3. That is really cool. I wish I could judo, but I don't have free time. That will be cool when you have all the belts.
