Thursday, September 23, 2010

The whale child

Whale Child

Hi we are trying to sell a book called ' Whale child' page 2 part 2 number 4 2005. We have Aramis as the Whale,Bryanna as the Whale Child and Emeila as Hannah the child that has been told the story.

poem is called "whale child'

There once was a boat which sunk in the deep blue sea and a new born child floated free.
The boat sunk into the belly of the sea,the people who went on the boat went as smelly as can be!

Hey what about the happy ending!!! Hannah found out who was the whale child, the grandma.


  1. Hi, you three,

    I thought this a very creative means of selling your story with a poem, especially that we didn't even discuss this. Well Done

    Mr thurlow

  2. I thought the people got of pretty light when their boat sunk by only getting smelly as can be!

    I can tell your reading is improving team, keep up the awesome learning.

    Tino pai to mahi.

