Saturday, September 11, 2010

The First earthquake in Christchurch

On Saturday, Christchurch had a earthquake. My dad said "it is alright staying there". After the big earthquake stopped, my brother and I ran to our Mum and Dad's bedroom because we couldn't see. My Dad had to go to work because he works for Civil Defence. We hopped into Mum and Dad's bed, Lucas was playing on his DS Lite, I was playing on the ipod touch and my Mum was listening to the radio. Lucas and I aren't scared of the Aftershocks!!

This is Logan's website he found that show all the earthquake in Canterbury:


  1. Logan, It is great to have you writing a post. That link you provided, really does shows you how many quakes have been since Saturday. You can show the others on the interactive board.

    Mr Thurlow

  2. Hi this is Aramis why was Lucas playing on his DS Lite & you playing on your ipod touch when theres a Eathquake??
