Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The alien story

On a windy day a spaceship came to our school.It was really tall like the Totara tree. The spaceship was wide as the playground. It had lasers at the front of the spaceship. The aliens scrambled down the ramp. Each alien had three bloody eyes. The aliens' skin were a blueish purple. It looked like the aliens were cold.

Some aliens were destroying the school with lasers and the rest of the aliens were brainwashing some people. The alien's screamed to brainwash people. I didn't get brainwashed because I dressed up as a alien to pretended I was one of them. I snuck into the spaceship and took off the alien suit. I stole some of the alien's laser guns to shoot the aliens. I had some help from Logan. Logan and I shot three aliens at a time.

When the army of aliens were dead their king recruited some more aliens to battle Logan and I. It was a piece of cake for Logan and I. Then Logan and I stomped into the king's palace. Logan and I defeated the king. I shot the king in the heart two times,and that was the end of the aliens.

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